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What Is Fast Fashion?

Clothes shopping used to be an occasional event—something that happened a few times a year when the seasons changed or when we outgrew what we had. But about 20 years ago, something changed. Clothes became cheaper, trend cycles sped up, and shopping became a hobby. Enter fast fashion and the global chains that now dominate our high streets and online shopping. But what is fast fashion? And how does it impact people, the planet, and animals?

Fast Fashion, Explained

Despite its environmental and labor costs, shoppers love fast fashion. Will that ever change?

Get Off My Lawn

How a small group of activists (our correspondent among them) got leaf blowers banned in the nation’s capital

The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All the Leaf Blowers

NASHVILLE — Into these perfect October afternoons, when light gleams on the red dogwood berries and the blue arrowwood berries and the purple beautyberries; on the last of the many-colored zinnias and the last of the yellow marigolds and the last of the white snakeroot flowers; on the shining hair of babies in strollers and the shining ponytails of young mothers and the tender, shining heads of old men walking dogs — into the midst of all this beauty, the kind of beauty that makes despair seem like only a figment of the midnight imagination, the monsters arrive.

Warming Trends

Americans’ Alarm Grows About Climate Change, a Plant-Based Diet Packs a Double Carbon Whammy, and Making Hay from Plastic India

A column highlighting climate-related studies, innovations, books, cultural events and other developments from the global warming frontier.

Compost – Combatting Climate Change

Among its many other benefits, compost is also a key tool in the global fight against climate change. Compost benefits the climate in a few different ways, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions at landfills, by promoting uptake of carbon dioxide by vegetation, and by making our projects and gardens more resilient to the effects of climate change.

How Hemp Can Help Us Tackle Climate Change

There’s a lot of hype around hemp. It calms you down, you can eat it, wear it, chew it, use it as a yoga mat, or build with it but chances are you haven’t even heard of half the things hemp can do for you and for the planet.

15 Mind-Blowing Ways Hemp Can Impact the Planet

Hemp is one of the world’s oldest crops. It also happens to be one of the most versatile.

From plastics to paper, the hemp plant provides a way to live in harmony with the environment and the ecosystems that support it.

Just to give you an idea how far this plant can take us, here are 15 amazing ways hemp can be a game-changer for planet Earth.

How Green Are Electric Vehicles?

In short: Very green. But plug-in cars still have environmental effects. Here’s a guide to the main issues and how they might be addressed.

My name is Carrie Firestone and I'm a writer, teacher, and community leader. As a child, I spent a lot of time worrying about things like poverty, environmental destruction, and war. I eventually learned to channel that worry into action through teaching, storytelling, civic engagement, and project-based service work.I live in Connecticut with my husband Michael, my teen daughters, and our pit bull, Roxie. I love connecting with the world through travel, researching little pieces of fascinating history, and finding ways to inspire environmental stewardship and social justice work at the local level. I also love The Office, conga lines, hummingbirds, cold coffee, Iceland, the activist Inez Milholland, and BOOKS!